May 29th, 2020
The Italian school year is about to end, and after 3 months of “smart school” or “distance learning” the oldest students finishing the highschool are still waiting to know where and how to take the final exam – called maturità- respecting all the security measures required by the government.
But there is a school in Todi where the “where” is not a trouble! It’s the Ciuffelli Agricultural Institute, located a few metres outside the city wall and the Medieval Porta Romana gate: the school and the student residence are housed in an old building, once a Benedectine monastery named “Montecristo”.

The present headmaster with the help and the support of his smart entourage has recently opened the “green classroom”, a proper classroom but open air! As you can guess, the perfect place to take an exam in total safety!

This was a so great idea, that a group of reporters from the Reuters Agency came to Todi some days ago to see with their own eyes the famous green classroom of Todi in Umbria, Italy.
Soon afterwards, THIS ARTICLE has been published:

The day after the same article has been posted in The New York Times!

This is just another reason why you should plan your next holiday in Todi, Umbria, Italy!!!